Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
What are OMDs?
Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) are patterns involving oral and orofacial musculature that interfere with normal growth, development, or function of orofacial structures, or call attention to themselves (Mason, n.d.A). OMDs can be found in children, adolescents, and adults.
Signs & Symptoms of OMDS
Incorrect tongue posture at rest
Open mouth breathing
Abnormal facial growth and asymmetry concerns
Tethered Oral Tissues (connective tissue on lips, cheek, tongue restricting function)
High/narrow palate
Postural issues
Forward or retracted jaw
Tongue Thrust (immature pattern where the tongue pushes against or through the teeth at rest, while speaking, and/or while swallowing)
Noxious Oral Habits (thumb/finger sucking, tongue sucking, objects such as pacifier)
Dental Malocclusions; open bite, crossbite, deep bite, overcrowding
Orthodontic Relapse
Jaw, head, and neck pain
Clicking/popping in jaw
Worn teeth from clenching and grinding
Sleep Disordered Breathing
Snoring/Sleep apnea
Picky/messy eating habits
Speech articulation errors associated with OMDs: t, d, n, l, s, z, r, ch, sh, zh
Unfortunately, there are additional signs & symptoms this is not an exhaustive list
What is OMT Therapy?
Oro (mouth) facial (face) myo (muscle) functional (how the muscles move and rest): Therapy is individualized to functionally address OMDs which can affect dental health, breathing, sleep patterns, speech, eating habits, and even facial growth and development. OMT Therapy is provided by a licensed speech-language pathologist with additional training in OMDs.
What is the goal of OMT therapy?
Therapy focuses on four primary aspects—nasal breathing, lip closure, tongue positioning, and oral phase swallow pattern. OMT can also play a supportive role in both the preparatory and rehabilitation phases of tongue and lip tie surgeries, address jaw pain, as well as before and after orthodontic procedures.